Events - Event View
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Private and Semi Private Tennis Lessons (Members - Login for member rate - upper right corner)
If you are a member, please log in to access additional, potentially lower registration fee options.
About this event
Registration instructions:
- For Members - Login as member first. If for kids, prior to registration verify your kids are in your member profile. Then follow steps "Part 1 - Part 5" below.
-Adding Kids - Login to MVP site and go to drop down menu in upper right corner next you your name... go to profile... then "Personal Info" section and click "Additional members in your account". Add kids to profile as Tertiary members.
- Non-Members - Follow steps "Part 1 - Part 5" below for registration.
- Part 1: Begin registration
-Click "Register Now" on the right side of the page
-If member, it will prompt to sign in (if not already signed in)
-Registration Type: For "You" or if for kids, enter "Not me, but I'm registering x number others"
(this one is important or else you end up signing up yourself!)
-Click Next
- Part 2: Add student or child
-Click on "Add Guest to Registration"
-Enter the 1st child's first & last name
-Click Save
-If you have more child to register, click "Add Guest to Registration" and fill out the form for your next student or child.
-When you are done adding, click Next
- Part 3: Pick your sessions
-Select appropriate private lesson selection.
-When you are done click Next
- Part 4: Answer registration questions
-Enter each child's birth date (this helps in planning)
-Click Next
- Part 5: Submit payment
-Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Complete Registration
-Click on "Select Payment Method" and select "Credit Card Processed on this Website"
-Complete the form and click "Submit Payment"
Please contact Scott Borowiak at or call (925) 376-7865.
Moraga Valley Pool & Tennis Club
15 Risa Court
Orinda, CA 94563
Registration Info
Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
Number of People Who Will Attend
Search for your information - enter the following
* This can be your primary registrant type. Only one primary registrant type is allowed per registration.
Register Now
(Click the down-arrow to view details)